
Verizon shares proprietary insights on where and how to engage audiences amidst pandemic content consumption




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Kraft Heinz


The CPG is one of several major advertisers that will re-invest marketing spend to drive improvements in the second half of 2023.



Business flow, talent and creative buy-in: Doug Lowe explains what will help clients and agencies alike in-house successfully.



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Brand switching may be a threat to certain categories

A report finds that shoppers are favouring price over brands they trust in categories like clothing, electronics and even CPG.

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Sid Lee expands PR service to Toronto

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Amex Shop Small - Yonge Dundas Billboard

American Express makes big push to shop small

Why the brand quintupled its small biz support and is emphasizing how rewarding buying local can be.

Michael Roth_Landscape_04-25-16


The holding company beat expectations, but more strategic actions and cost reductions are expected for the second half of 2023.


Audi gets aspirational about the road ahead

The luxury brand again looks to the future to guide drivers out of the pandemic and show its own electric ambitions.

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RBC unites over 50 brands in support of small business

The coalition aims to bring Bay Street and Main Street together with “Canada United,” giving consumers a simple way to help.

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Collective Arts turns cans into canvases for social issues

The brewery is putting every single one of its 55 SKUs in the hands of artists of colour and advocates for social justice.


Leaders of colour find their voice




New research suggests that more Canadians are boycotting brands that ignore COVID-19 needs and the fight against racial injustice.


Inside one charity’s effort to save the sector

CanadaHelps’ model of creating funds for a pool of charities is a strategic way to get more donors comfortable giving their money away.

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